Well, the fact that I have not updated my blog page since October should tell you something. Although what, I don't know. I used to think an inactive website meant an inactive business/person/community but I am discovering first hand that is not the truth.
I have been beavering away the last few months doing:
I've probably missed something out but during all this I've also managed to get impregnated again and baby number 2 is getting cooked up nicely in there as I type.
The funny thing is, during these months I feel like I have done NOTHING. There's a few things that contribute to this I think. One is the insane time vortex of the pandemic, but I don't need to explain that to you since it happened to literally everyone. Another is working from home and travelling less than I did before. Related to that is just how much everything has changed and comparing life now to what is was before.
As an improviser, I feel I should be better with change than I am since I do spend a lot of time shouting 'allowing yourself to be changed' in workshops. However it's hard isn't it and one thing I hope I have learned is to do my best to stay in NOW as much as possible. Watching my son grow up is such a clear measure of time passing. He is a little human sand timer walking around my house, and like a sand timer if you spend a long time staring at it, it appears that nothing is happening.
However the conclusion here is lots is happening, all the time, even when it feels like it isn't, and all you can do is appreciate the now.
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